Meghan Skalak


Veterinary Assistant

Meghan Skalak is our Animal Behavior Certified Dog Trainer (ABCDT). She was certified through Animal Behavior College and is an approved evaluator for the American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program. Meghan offers group obedience classes for you and your dog and will help you use positive reinforcement to shape your dog’s skills. We limit the amount of dogs in each class to give you and your dog a more personalized experience. Call (630) 968-2812 today to find the class that is right for you!

Employed at Downer Grove Animal Hospital Since May 2006.

Nickname: Meg

Email: [email protected]

My Favorite Thing About Working at Downers Grove Animal Hospital: Seeing all the familiar faces; people, dogs, cats, and returning families.

My Pets Names: Kylie

Hobbies/Interests: Scrapbooking, designing on the computer, and working with the Cameo machine.

My Favorite Color: Blue

My Favorite Dessert: Apple Pie

My Favorite Holiday: Christmas

I Recharge My Batteries By: Spending time with my family, taking Kylie for a walk, watching Hallmark movies, and spending time outdoors.